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Certificate Curriculum Requirements

Curriculum requirements for each of our certificate programs can be found at the following links:

Geographic Information Systems

GIS, faculty lead: Adrienne Goldsberry

The 12-credit GIS certificate consists of a combination of required courses (9 credits) and an elective course (3 credits).

Geospatial Programming and Web Mapping

GEOWBD, faculty lead: Jim Detwiler

The 15-credit GEOWBD certificate consists of a combination of required courses (9 credits) and two elective courses (6 credits).

Remote Sensing and Earth Observation

RMTSNG, faculty lead: Karen Schuckman

The 12-credit RMTSNG certificate consists of a combination of required courses (9 credits) and an elective course (3 credits).

Geospatial Intelligence Applications

GEOAPP, faculty lead: Greg Thomas

The 13-credit GEOAPP certificate consists of a combination of required courses (12 credits) and a culminating experience (1 credit).
This certificate is no longer offered as of Fall 2023. 

Geospatial Intelligence Analytics

GEOINT, faculty lead: Greg Thomas

The 15-credit GEOINT certificate consists of a combination of required courses (9 credits), an elective course (3 credits), and a culminating experience (3 credits).

Satisfactory Academic Performance

Certificate program students must earn a grade of C or higher to count a class toward the certificate requirements and must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 to remain in good academic standing (GCAC-404). In the event of unsatisfactory performance, our programs follow the Graduate School policy governing Unsatisfactory Scholarship (GCAC-803).

If you receive a grade of a C or higher in a course, that course will count toward Certificate Program credit. Only grades of B or higher will count toward MGIS or MS-SDS degree credit. So, for example, a grade of C in GEOG 485 would count toward Certificate Program credit, but not MGIS credit.

Want to Customize Your Curriculum?

You can initiate this process by contacting us at and requesting a time to speak to an advisor about developing a customized plan of study.